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Safety glasses for the workshop

I have a small business making garden furniture out of reclaimed bits of metal in my workshop. I'm also shortsighted. But when you are working in the workshop, it's important that you can see exactly what you are doing, which is why I have been searching for prescription safety glasses. Although my normal glasses are good for most tasks, safety glasses can withstand severe forces without shattering and feels just like wearing my normal glasses. This blog has some different models of safety glasses compared for different workshop conditions, as well as some options for getting yourself fitted for prescription safety glasses.


Safety glasses for the workshop

Diabetes and Macular Edemas: Act Quickly to Preserve Your Vision

by Rachel Alexander

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you will probably be aware of the various complications that can arise when your condition is not being properly managed, and many of these complications can affect your eyes. This is known as diabetic eye disease or simply diabetic retinopathy. One of the most common forms of diabetic retinopathy is macular edema. This occurs when blood vessels leak into the macula, which is at the centre of your eye's retina. The process can be gradual or swift, leading to diminished vision. This clouded vision can vary in its intensity but will require prompt treatment to reverse the accumulation of blood in the macula. The best type of treatment will depend on the severity of the macular edema.


Minor macular edema can often be treated with medication. This is sometimes injected directly into the eye. The process might not sound pleasant, but the area will be under local anaesthetic, and a direct injection is the most efficient method of delivery. A number of injections might be required over time, although this will vary depending on your specific circumstances. 

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

One form of medication can be a drug to inhibit the site's vascular endothelial growth factor. This will hamper the development of new, irregular blood vessels and prevent them from leaking into the macula, which can often be the case if your blood glucose is not being appropriately managed or if you have been living with diabetes for an extended period of time. 


A series of steroid injections might also be the best course of treatment if your particular case doesn't warrant treatment directly pertaining to the site's vascular endothelial growth factor.

Surgical Intervention

If you have already experienced a series of macular edemas and medication proves to be insufficient in reversing the effects of the edema, you might be a candidate for vitrectomy. This is a surgical procedure in which the irregular fluid is manually extracted from the macula. Medication will often be required after the operation, whether this is oral antibiotics or medicated eye drops or both. You might also have to wear an eyepatch while your eye recovers.

If you're affected by diabetes, you must consult your doctor as soon as possible if your vision begins to blur. This might be the onset of macular edema and quick intervention will be necessary to preserve your vision.

Reach out to a medical professional to learn more about diabetic retinopathy and ways it manifests. 
