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Safety glasses for the workshop

I have a small business making garden furniture out of reclaimed bits of metal in my workshop. I'm also shortsighted. But when you are working in the workshop, it's important that you can see exactly what you are doing, which is why I have been searching for prescription safety glasses. Although my normal glasses are good for most tasks, safety glasses can withstand severe forces without shattering and feels just like wearing my normal glasses. This blog has some different models of safety glasses compared for different workshop conditions, as well as some options for getting yourself fitted for prescription safety glasses.


Safety glasses for the workshop

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

by Rachel Alexander

Most cases of sight loss are preventable. Getting your eyes checked in time helps prevent and limit the damage caused by different eye conditions or environments. A regular eye examination is essential in ensuring the doctor rectifies your vision, detects eye conditions early, and helps minimize the effects of poor vision. Here are some helpful tips that can ensure your eyes are healthy.

Avoiding Smoke

One of the primary sources of smoke in your body is cigarettes and marijuana. Smoking puts you at risk of age-related macular damage, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome and diabetic retinopathy. The complete solution to avoid these issues is to quit smoking. Different therapies can help you quit smoking, and you can also form other habits that replace smoking with something better for you.

Adopting Dietary Changes

Different foods can help your eyes stay healthy throughout your lifetime. For example, eating foods with nutrients such as copper, vitamin C, zinc, beta carotene, vitamin E and some variations of fatty acids can improve the health of your eyes. 

Some of the best foods associated with improved health of your eyes include fish, legumes, nuts, water, eggs, seeds, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, carrots, leafy green vegetables and beef. You can also contact your optician or dietician to obtain prescriptions for supplements of various nutrients. 

Wearing Personal Protective Equipment

Your eyes are a delicate part of your body. Therefore, ensure you have the necessary goggles, face masks and gas masks when working in different environments. Some employers may not enforce workplace safety laws, but you must care for yourself and others around you.

Workplace accidents are a common source of eye injuries, and therefore, you must take all necessary steps to protect your eyes while working. In addition, exposure to radiation such as excessive visible light, heat, infrared radiation, lasers and ultraviolet light may damage your eyes. You can also protect yourself from projectiles of sharp metals, dust, wood, concrete and other particles. 

Regulating Your Screentime

The parental controls and password protection might work in limiting your child's screentime, but the glare is still dangerous for you. You can also protect yourself by taking regular breaks from your computer and phone. You can also create technology-free areas at your workplace or home to free you from the dangers of excessive screentime. 

You can improve the health of your eyes by avoiding smoke, adopting dietary changes, wearing personal protective equipment and regulating your screentime. However, should your eyes develop any problems, look to an optometrist for a consultation. 
